Cookies are small bits of data cached in a user’s browser. utilizes cookies to determine whether or not you have visited the home page in the past. However, no other user information is gathered.
When you visit our website, the system server sends a “cookie”to your computer. This cookie is a small set of information that identifies you as a user of our system. Cookies save your time by retaining your contact information. Cookies do not transmit viruses and can only be read by the server that sent the cookies to you. You also have the ability to accept or reject cookies by adjusting the settings in your browsing tool. Please keep in mind that you may not be able to use all the features of our site if cookies are deactivated.Our site also uses cookies to remember users on the site and to enhance the experience of users on the sites. For example, when users with accounts return to the site, cookies identify these users and allow the site to provide some user-specific information such as site login information, location selection and language selection, as well as any other information that we may collect in the future. We do not sell the information we collect to third parties. If you do not want this information to be collected through the use of cookies, there are simple procedures in most browsers that allow you to refuse the use of cookies.